As weather conditions are more variable this week, spring-calving suckler cows will be at an increased risk of tetany.

The risk will be highest where cows are grazing on lush swards, which have been recently fertilised and there is a burst in growth rates.

While all cows are at risk, older cows, cows suckling twins and higher-yielding dairy-cross cows tend to be more susceptible to tetany problems.

Fluctuating temperatures

As temperatures fluctuate from being mild during daytime and cool in the evening, especially with weather fluctuating between dry and rain, this also increases the risk.

Make sure cows are well covered for magnesium, either in a bolus, lick bucket or through concentrates.

Adding magnesium to water is less effective during wet conditions as cows will drink less. If using lick buckets, offer one bucket for every 10 cows.

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Beef Management: grass, bloat and worm control

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