The supporting evidence required for new applications to the young farmers’ payment and regional reserve that are involved in a partnership has been simplified by DAERA.

A pre-written declaration has been included in the application form for both schemes in 2017 and must be signed by applicants and all other partners in the farm business.

This follows on from a high rejection rate of applications to the Young Farmers’ Payment last year.

The majority were understood to be down to issues with written partnership agreements that were required to accompany applications.

A DAERA spokesperson confirmed that of the 738 applications to the scheme in 2016, a total of 623 have been assessed by officials, with 209 rejected. A further 115 of last year’s applications are still to be finalised as further information is required from applicants, the spokesperson said.

In the pre-written declaration in the 2017 application form, an applicant must confirm that they are in receipt of more than 50% of profits, are responsible for bank accounts and can make decisions without veto from other partners.

All members listed in the DAERA business ID must sign the declaration. This includes silent partners that are not financial stakeholders.