This week’s Focus is on reseeding, with updates on the new recommended lists and pasture profit index. It’s a bit early yet to be burning off fields on the milking platform. You would like to get another grazing off them, as you might be glad of the grass in April. Wait until you have a true surplus before going for the spray.

The debate on using grass mixes versus mono cultures rumbles on. If a variety is a proven top-performer on Irish farms, I would have no hesitation in putting it in as a single variety. Why dilute the effects of a good variety with poorer varieties? You wouldn’t pick three low-EBI bulls just because you picked one high-EBI bull. Pick the best for your farm and go with it.

Include clover where possible. I have seen some sick-looking reseeds from last autumn on farms over the past week. Some have gone yellow and more are choked with chickweed. Others are crying out to be grazed.

If ground conditions are still agreeable, try and get a grazing off them as soon as possible. If they haven’t been sprayed yet, I would prioritise grazing first, but then spray as soon as possible after grazing.

Reseeds from last autumn will need extra N, P, K and sulphur now.