The Department of Agriculture has been implementing measures to comply with EU rules on the handling of processed animal proteins (PAP).

These include factory or knackery byproducts which are sold for industrial uses including pet food in Ireland or overseas. An EU audit earlier this year concluded that Ireland’s high number of inspections had not found any significant problems and “provides a good basis for assuring that PAP is produced, transported and traded in line with relevant requirements on hygiene and traceability”. However, they also “identified three main flaws, which undermine the overall confidence in the operation of the control system,” in the export of controlled products, the categorisation of products used in feed and the licensing of operators.

EU auditors made five recommendations and the Department responded with an action plan due to be implemented by the end of this month. A Department spokesperson said actions were completed for one recommendation and more were now on track to be completed by the end of this year for the four others. The Department has circulated updated information to its own staff and processors about compliance issues and recalled some products previously used as feed material.