The threat of liver fluke is typically lower at this time of year, but that does not mean that you can afford to rest on your laurels.

The greatest risk at present is from chronic liver fluke, which is characterised through symptoms such as ewes losing significant condition, despite being on a good plane of nutrition, bottle jaw (odema) and anaemia.

There is a significant risk of damaging infestations where ewes have been outwintered on land which is prone to liver fluke infestation.


The risk is also present in ewes on the point of lambing that have been housed in recent weeks and which have not received any treatment in recent months.

Mature fluke parasites are the main target and products that treat immature and mature liver fluke should give a good clear-out of parasites.

There is also a good opportunity at present where ewes have been housed for several weeks to alternate between active ingredients and use a product that targets only mature fluke.

Many farmers tie this treatment in with releasing ewes and lambs outdoors, while hill flocks regularly target a treatment while ewes are down from hill grazing.

Active ingredient

Focusing on the active ingredient is an important component to remember, as there are numerous products on the market within the same class of active ingredient.

Detailed information on product choice can be found here.

Withdrawal dates

It is also important to be mindful of withdrawal dates where treating hoggets or ewes which are destined for slaughter in the coming weeks, with many of the flukicides on the market possessing a withdrawal date ranging from 42 to 66 days.