AEOS, GLAS payments

Some 1,391 farmers in AEOS II and III are still awaiting their first payment instalment. With around 9,000 farmers left in the scheme, this means just under 15% still have to be paid.

There are also 4,729 farmers participating in GLAS who are still waiting their first 85% payment for the scheme. The delays are still being attributed to IT issues in both cases.

For AEOS, the majority of the delays are affecting participants in the second tranche of the scheme. The Department says under EU regulations, rechecks on payments made for all scheme years must be completed before final payment can be processed.

GLAS deadlines

Farmers should be taking their GLAS plan into account when planning grassland management this spring.

Where farmers have chosen actions such as traditional hay meadow or low input permanent pasture, be aware that management in parcels set out for these actions should follow the specifications.

Traditional hay meadow

Grazing cannot take place from 15 April until the meadow is mown annually, which must be after 1 July. Topping cannot take place from 15 March until after the meadow is mown annually.

Low input permanent pasture

Parcels cannot be topped between 15 March and 1 July annually.

Maximum chemical nitrogen usage is 40kg N/ha/annum. Pesticides are not permitted, except for spot treatment of noxious and invasive weeds and rushes.

Where present, rushes must be controlled either mechanically, by weed wiping and/or by spot spraying.

While weed wiping and/or spot spraying can take place between 15 March and 1 July, topping to control rushes cannot take place between these dates.

Nitrates derogation

The closing date for 2017 Nitrates Derogation applications is Thursday 13 April 2017. Applications can only be submitted online on