James O’Reilly

Ballyragget, Kilkenny

There has been minimal rain on James’ farm over the past month, but his soils and crops aren’t in need of it.

His winter wheat crops are around GS30 and have so far received 69kg N/ha. James tends to hold off on his main split of nitrogen in October-sown wheat for as long as possible.

James changing his tyres to row crops. The tractor has been jacked using a Tracjak system.

He does this to manipulate the crops canopy to minimise the risk of septoria spread. He intends on applying a further 69kg N/ha next week, with the remainder in the final split.

James says that this won’t drastically delay the heading date for the crop, but may help shorten the timeframe where the crop is most at risk of septoria. He intends to apply CCC (1.1l/ha), Moddus (0.2l/ha) as well as Bravo (1l/ha) and Epsom salts by the end of the week.

His winter oats are around GS31 and have been brought to 150kg N/ha

His winter oilseed rape is in full flower and he will apply a scelerotinia spray by the end of the week. His Belfry winter barley crops have been brought up to 187kg N/ha. James thinks the interval between his T1 and T2 spray could be short this year, as crops are poised to race through the growth stages.

His winter oats are around GS31 and have been brought to 150kg N/ha. So far, the crop has received Moddus (0.4l/ha), CCC (1l/ha) and manganese sulfate.

His spring-sown oats were sown at 170kg/ha, along with 170kg/ha of DAP (18:20:0). The crop is emerging and will be topped off with 88kg N/ha when the tramlines are visible. He decided to sow some of the weaker areas in spring beans this season, sowing Fuego at 200kg/ha.

Forward selling

James has forward sold the majority of his 2020 crop and is currently negotiating prices for harvest 2021. He explains that there is growing uncertainty in the grain markets at the moment and that not taking a position in the market may expose farm businesses to an uncalculated risk, by gambling on harvest prices.

Tim Ronaldson

Naas, Kildare

Rain arrived on Tim’s farm on Friday and Saturday night and his crops welcomed it. His Bazooka and Belfry hybrid winter barley are racing through the growth stages and have been brought to 162kg-200kg N/ha. The second-last leaf is currently emerging in these crops and remains very clean. On 15 April, the crop received Terpal (1.2l/ha) and Splice (1l/ha).

Tim applying a PGR and Proline on winter barley crops.

A week prior, the crop received CCC (1.5l/ha), Axial Pro (0.65l/ha), as well as a manganese trace element spray.

His two-row Carnival and LG Castings varieties are around GS31 and will be brought up to 220kg N/ha by the end of the week. This week, Tim applied Protendo (0.4l/ha), Moddus (0.5l/ha) and Freeze (0.2l/ha) to the crop. These crops are somewhat thin and he noted a small amount of rhynco appearing on the base of the plants.

His Husky winter oats are around GS31-32 and have been brought to 150kg N/ha. On April 9, Tim applied Ceraide (1.25l/ha), Talius (0.25l/ha) and a manganese trace element spray.

Tim’s spring barley feed crops, Gangway and Arderin, as well as his Planet malting barley crops are at the 3-4 leaf stage

His Bennington, Graham and Costello winter wheat crops are around GS31-32 and currently stand at 150kg N/ha. He noted some yellow rust appearing in his Bennington crops earlier this month. He applied Opera (1l/ha) to address this. He also applied CCC (1.5l/ha) at the same time. His other wheat crops received Bravo (1l/ha) and CCC (1.5l/ha).

Tim’s spring barley feed crops, Gangway and Arderin, as well as his Planet malting barley crops are at the 3-4 leaf stage. This week, he intends on applying an aphicide, as well as a manganese and seaweed-based spray. All spring barley crops were sown on the 7-8 of April and 336kg/ha of 11:7:25 was incorporated into the seedbed.

His spring malting barley was sown at 175kg/ha and has been brought up to 137kg N/ha. His feed crops were sown at 157kg/ha and will be brought up to 150kg N/ha. Tim also sowed a small amount of peas this year for the first time.

Hugh Kelly

Lifford, Donegal

Conditions have improved significantly on Hugh’s farm. When talking to Hugh last, he was planning on re-planting a field of winter barley that had failed due to waterlogging.

Hugh's spring barley crops have emerged in great conditions.

Hugh explains that when the field was ploughed, it took two passes with a grubber and a tined levelling board to make a suitable seedbed. He commented that it was as if the soil was dead and found it difficult to make a tilth.

This was part of the reason why the water couldn’t drain from this land during the winter, as the field is generally well drained. He suspects the problem was as a result of compaction last harvest.

All crops were sown with 335kg/ha of 10:10:20 and some of the seed was treated with a manganese dressing

He opted to sow Prospect spring barley at 220kg/ha there, but intends on growing a winter oat crop next season as a break crop.

The remainder of his spring feed and malting barley were sown at 188kg/ha. All crops were sown with 335kg/ha of 10:10:20 and some of the seed was treated with a manganese dressing. He intends on top dressing his malting barley this week and will bring the crop to 135kg N/ha.

All of Hugh’s spring crops also received a 50kg/ha application of muriate of potash. Hugh noticed improved strength and yield of straw when he applied this last season. He did note that his land tends to be low in K, however.

His spring crops will receive a herbicide application of Zypar and Cameo Max at the 4-5 leaf stage to target, among other things, fumitory.

Winter crops

He is pleased with the progress of his remaining winter crops. His winter oats are at GS30 and around two weeks ago, he brought the crop up to 150kg N/ha. Hugh’s winter wheat crops are around GS30 and were brought up to 112kg N/ha two weeks ago. He intends on bringing the crop up to 210kg N/ha. The crop is not at the stage for T1 yet, but he notes how clean it is.