Russia - Wheat exports may not be as strong

Russia produced a record high wheat crop of 72m tonnes this year. As such, markets expected Russian wheat imports to surge to almost 31m tonnes. However, the rising value of the Russian currency and some very poor quality issues in the wheat crop mean export forecasts have been slashed to 28m tonnes.

Australia - Foreigners owning agricultural land

A new directory of land ownership established in Australia shows that some 52m hectares of Australian farmland is currently owned by foreign investors. This equates to almost 14% of all farmland and represents an area greater than the size of 48 US states (with Texas and Alaska the exceptions).

Canada - Barley prices at seven-year low

The Canadian agriculture ministry has cut its forecast price for barley to a seven-year low range between €110/t and €135/t. This would be the lowest price for growers since 2009, as the country faces a record yield on its barley crop this year, with production set to hit 8.7m tonnes.

Brazil - Beef sector continues to grow

The value of the livestock production chain in Brazil increased 27% to $148.5bn last year, according to the Association of Brazilian Beef Exporters. Beef accounts for 30% of the GDP of the Brazilian agricultural sector, which means livestock’s share of Brazil’s economy is 6.8%.