Australia – live exports surge in 2019

Australian live exports topped 1.3m head of cattle in 2019, which was up almost 20% on the previous year. The strong increase in live cattle exports was driven by a surge in demand from China, Indonesia and Vietnam.

US – marginal growth in 2019 milk production

US milk production for 2019 showed marginal growth compared with the previous year. US dairy farmers pumped out 95.7bn litres of milk in 2019, which was just 0.3%, or 300m litres, ahead of 2018 production levels.

EU – wheat exports soar ahead

EU wheat exports are soaring ahead for the 2019/20 season. Since July, almost 16m tonnes of wheat have been exported from the EU, which is 70%, or 6.5m tonnes, ahead of the 2018 season. EU barley exports are also up 55% to 4.3m tonnes.

Argentina – beef exports hit $3bn in value

Argentine beef exports for 2019 were valued at more than $3bn (€2.7bn). Argentina exported just over 560,400t of beef in 2019, which was up an incredible 54%, or 200,000t, on the previous year. This enormous surge was driven by unprecedented demand from China.