DEAR SIR: As a long-term reader /subscriber, I think it’s time someone wrote to express a displeasure at the way the Irish Farmers Journal always awards tractors, cars, etc, to males.

It is my opinion that you should have the same prize for a female farmer at the same time. I gave up sending in entries long ago because of your tunnel vision.

Believe me, women farmers like myself could use those items just as well, or more, than male farmers.

I have functioned for years on 80 acres depending on others because I have no machinery.

My farm is still, after about 50 years, under-developed. The entire farm had to be reclaimed, buildings upgraded, wells bored and agricultural water lines installed and, of course, reseeding and fertilising done. Money is scarcer than hens teeth.

It seems to me women farmers have a greater need, especially widows like me who have full responsibility for farm operations.

While your oversight is too late for me, I hope you can do better in the future.

I have always valued the coverage by the Irish Farmers Journal on farm matters, the mart news and property pages, and I know that you have it within your power to correct this unfair situation in the future. Please do.

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