Since the Brexit ball started to roll, throughout the Irish media we have heard that for Britain, Brexit will be a disaster and that the stupid British (especially the English) have lost their marbles completely and everyone is now doing their best to bail out of Britain. The Irish Farmers Journal has joined in on this thinking too.

However, I read in the 6 October edition of your machinery section on page 3 an article written about JCB’s impressive figures of late, as well their expansion plans in Britain. Lord Bamford, JCB’s chair, is known to be pro-Brexit. Can someone please explain his optimism and good performance?

Lord Bamford, unlike many of the anti-Brexiteers, has a lot at stake and puts his money (regardless of his or anyone else’s total worth) where his mouth is. If his business goes bust, it’s unlikely he can collect much social welfare (if the British system is like the Irish), unlike the politicians, academics, government workers who voted in and coincidentally do not really add much value to the economy or British society in general. Was I the only person to notice that this Brexit referendum was split between those on one hand who have lots of other people’s money at their disposal versus those who do not? Lord Bamford, in spite of his worth, is very much in the latter category.