DEAR SIR: The article “Some robotic milker problems emerging” in your issue of 11 July left me somewhat bemused with the lack of detail and specifics.

I am only thankful it was not published this time last year, at a time when I embarked on a mission to convert a proportion of our family tillage farm to dairy.

Making a decision on the most suitable milking system for one’s farm is a significant one and it requires a leap of faith where all information is taken at face value. It can be an anxious time.

So for anyone out there contemplating robotic milking, in conjunction with outdoor grazing systems, my advice is this: as a new entrant with no previous experience in dairy and currently milking 140 first-lactation cows on a two-robot grazing system,

I can assure you, with time, effort and patience – it works.

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Some robotic milker problems emerging