APHIS replacement delayed

The development of the new system to replace the APHIS database for animal identification and traceability in NI has been delayed.

The original plan was for the NI Food Animal Information System (NIFAIS) to come into service on a staged basis up until summer 2019. However, DAERA’s annual report published last week states that it will now be summer 2020 before the final part of the new system is completed.

“Development of the NIFAIS cattle disease control module was unfortunately delayed due to a number of issues outside the department’s control,” the report reads.

Open period for hedge cutting

Farmers in NI can cut hedges, trees and scrub from Saturday 1 September under cross-compliance rules. The closed period for hedge cutting, including trimming and laying, runs from 1 March until 31 August and aims to protect nesting birds.

There are exemptions for hedge cutting during the closed period if health and safety is an issue, for example along roadsides.