An Bord Pleanála is set to appeal a landmark decision by the High Court, which quashed its refusal to grant permission for the Coolglass wind farm in Laois.
In a High Court judgment earlier this month, Mr Justice Humphreys ruled that An Bord Pleanála failed to comply with climate law when it refused permission for the 13-turbine wind farm.
Coolgalss Wind Farm Ltd, a subsidiary of Statkraft, had applied for planning permission for the development.
The judge said that the approach taken by the board severely undermines the achievement of national, EU and international policy enshrined in law.
In a statement to the Irish Farmers Journal, An Bord Pleanála said: “The board will seek to apply to the High Court to reopen the judgment as it relates to core ground two.”
“The board will further seek a certificate of appeal, which is the position, we understand, also adopted by the other parties to the litigation,” it concluded.
The High Court decision proved to be highly topical at the recent Wind Energy Association annual conference, with many speculating that the board was likely to challenge it, due to its far-reaching consequences.