Teagasc has begun the review of the beef grid that was promised in the Irish Beef Sector Agreement that ended recent protests.
Farm organisations have long demanded a review because beef prices are now higher, currently by about 28%, than when the grid was set up in 2009. They suggest the current 6c/kg differential between grades needs to be increased.
A Teagasc spokesperson said its staff have reviewed the research work of 2004 to 2008, which related EU carcase grades and fat scores to the meat yield and distribution when carcases are butchered into 23 primal cuts.
Next, Teagasc will allocate current market values to the various beef cuts. To do this, it has asked the meat plants for the values obtained for the cuts they sell to their different customers.
“The price values will need to be representative of the national cattle kill and cover an extended period of at least 12 months. Once that is received the analysis of the data can proceed,” the Teagasc spokesperson said.
Teagasc’s recommendations will be presented to the Beef Task Force, with a deadline of the end of October set in the Irish Beef Sector Agreement.