The ICSA said it welcomes the increased €25m funding for the ANC while criticising the Government for not doing enough on tax for farmers. Association president Paddy Kent was critical of the €200 tax credit increase for self-employed.
Macra na Feirme
Macra president James Healy said Budget 2018 was short on detail.On a second low-cost loan scheme, Healy said it is important to help young farmers who struggle for access to finance.
ICMSA president John Comer said Budget 2018 was “very disappointing from the point of view of farm families” and described as “inexplicable” the fact it contained no measure to counter the problem of price and income volatility.
INHFA president Colm O’Donnell called for clarity on the stamp duty increase, saying many of his members are “extremely concerned”. In relation to the increased ANC budget, O’Donnell said he welcomed the new money but said it must be directed at the most vulnerable.