Donegal Bay Macra based out of Cashelard, Co Donegal hosted a club exchange/ farm tours weekend on the 7 December. Macra members from Tullyallen, Stabannon, Togher (all from Louth), Birr and Killoughey (Offaly) travelled up to the Breesy Hostel for the action-packed weekend.

Following the introductory social night in Whoriskeys pub, the group braved storm Darragh to visit three farms throughout south Donegal and Sligo.

First on the list was Chris McCaffrey, a local organic beef producer.

Dairy farmer Chris Tuffy was up next. Based in Doonally Co Sligo, Chris previously won the award for best young farmer of the year in 2022.

The last stop was the farm of Philip Higgins (Skreen, Co Sligo). He provided the group with a valuable insight into contract rearing pedigree Jerseys and grass-based lamb production.

After dinner in Henry’s Restaurant, the night finished in McCafferty’s Bar, Donegal.

Donegal Bay Macra would like to extend thanks to all the local farmers and businesses that allowed this event to happen.

We look forward to doing it again in the near future!