IFA National Environment Chair John Murphy is encouraging farmers to have their say as part of the Climate Conversation 2024.
“It is very important that farmers and rural communities take the time to complete the online questionnaire and provide feedback to the Climate Conversation which will feed into, and shape, the next Climate Action Plan,” John Murphy said.
The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications has launched Climate Conversations 2024 which invites people and communities from across the country to have their say. The online questionnaire is open until 22 September and can be accessed by scanning the QR code provided.
The IFA National Environment Chair stressed that as key stakeholders it is very important that farmers’ views on climate action are captured, and that they actively participate in the conversation.
“It is only right that farmers’ voices are heard as part of the national climate conversation. The next Climate Action Plan will mark a crucial mid-way point in Ireland’s plan to halve our emissions by 2030,” he added.