A protest against the Mercosur trade deal by EU farmers will take place in Brussels on Monday, with a delegation from Ireland expected to travel.

Belgian farm organisations - the Walloon Federation of Agriculture (FWA) and female farmer group the Union of Walloon Farmers (UAW) - have planned a flash action, with the support of European farmer and agri co-operative representative body Copa-Cogeca.

Farmers and their representatives from some member states are expected to attend.

President of the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) Francie Gorman has confirmed he will travel to the protest, the theme of which is 'EU-Mercosur: who will pay the bill?'


In a statement announcing the protest on Friday afternoon, Copa-Cogeca said it has opposed the deal for years, as agriculture is “particularly vulnerable”.

“While we recognise the EU's need to deepen trade relations in the current geopolitical context, this must not come at any cost.

“The EU agricultural sector remains particularly vulnerable to the concessions made in the unbalanced agricultural chapter of this agreement.

“Sensitive sectors such as beef, poultry, sugar, ethanol and rice face heightened risks of market saturation and income loss due to the influx of low-cost products from Mercosur countries.

“This agreement will exacerbate the economic strain on many farms already grappling with high input prices and challenging climatic conditions,” it said.

The farmer representative body added that Mercosur countries do not meet the production standards required of EU farmers in terms of plant protection products, animal welfare or sustainability practices.

‘Worrying message’

Copa president Massimiliano Giansanti said the newly formed European Commission is sending a “worrying message” to EU farmers.

“This is especially concerning during such a delicate phase of reopening dialogue between farmers and European institutions.

“Member states and MEPs must now firmly challenge the terms of this agreement and work towards a solution that guarantees a fair and balanced approach to protect the EU’s farming model.

“Starting Monday, we’ll be in action, exchanging views with ministers and MEPs, while launching a flash action in Brussels, opposite the Council,” he said.