A mixture of extra cows and good grass is driving July milk supply by 10% to 11% ahead of the same month last year.
Following record supplies in May and June, July looks set to break previous supply records again with Irish processors reporting July milk up by between 5% and 11%.
In the west and north of the country, Arrabawn, Aurivo, Lakeland Dairies and LacPatrick are reporting estimates of July milk supply up by 11%, 10%, 7% and 5.5% respectively.
The country’s largest processor, Glanbia, is reporting that supply is up 11% in July compared with last year.

Kerry reports July sales up 7%, which brings the processors to being 4% up year-to-date. West Cork co-ops Bandon, Barryroe, Lisavaird and Drinagh are reported to be up between 8% and 10% for the month. Dairygold is reporting that it is up 11% for July.
In July 2016, figures from the Central Statistics Office showed estimated monthly domestic milk intake at 780m litres.
An additional 8% to 11% on top of this, as the processors tallies above suggest, would push July supply up by between 63m and 78m litres – to a total of over 850m.
The last few days of July supply will determine the final July figure in the coming days.
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Dairy expansion through land leasing
Breeding for the future at LIC farm walk
A mixture of extra cows and good grass is driving July milk supply by 10% to 11% ahead of the same month last year.
Following record supplies in May and June, July looks set to break previous supply records again with Irish processors reporting July milk up by between 5% and 11%.
In the west and north of the country, Arrabawn, Aurivo, Lakeland Dairies and LacPatrick are reporting estimates of July milk supply up by 11%, 10%, 7% and 5.5% respectively.
The country’s largest processor, Glanbia, is reporting that supply is up 11% in July compared with last year.

Kerry reports July sales up 7%, which brings the processors to being 4% up year-to-date. West Cork co-ops Bandon, Barryroe, Lisavaird and Drinagh are reported to be up between 8% and 10% for the month. Dairygold is reporting that it is up 11% for July.
In July 2016, figures from the Central Statistics Office showed estimated monthly domestic milk intake at 780m litres.
An additional 8% to 11% on top of this, as the processors tallies above suggest, would push July supply up by between 63m and 78m litres – to a total of over 850m.
The last few days of July supply will determine the final July figure in the coming days.
Read more
Dairy expansion through land leasing
Breeding for the future at LIC farm walk