Despite being calm, dull and thundery at times, May this year was the warmest May on record, according to Met Éireann.
The average temperature for May was 13.08°C, some 2.53°C above the 1961 to 1990 long term average and 1.74°C above the 1991 to 2020 long term average.
May 2008 was the only other year out of the 125 years on record that the average temperature for the month exceeded 13°C, which had an average monthly temperature of 13.03°C.
With an average temperature of 8.67°C, May 1923 remains the coldest on record.
For the third May in a row, no air frosts were reported and less than half of stations reported ground frost.
The highest maximum was reported on Monday 20 May at Mount Dillon, Co Roscommon, with a temperature of 24.6°C.
Met Éireann reports show that rainfall was below average in most places and wettest in the south and north midlands.
The month’s wettest day was recorded at Knock Airport, Co Mayo, with 34.9mm on Sunday 26, its highest daily rainfall in May since 2005. Knock Airport also received the highest monthly total of rain in the country, with 124.7mm recorded.