It has been generally good news across the board on November milk prices so far.

Tirlán increased its base price for milk supplied in November by 0.95c/l to 48.26c/l, both excluding VAT, at 3.3% protein and 3.6% butterfat.

Dairygold lifted its price by the same amount to a base price of 46.56c/l, excluding VAT, at base solids.

Kerry Dairy Ireland also announced the same rise, 0.95c/l, excluding VAT, with a base price of 47.23c/l, excluding VAT, at base solids.

Lakeland Dairies held its base price for November at 46.85c/l, excluding VAT, at base solids. It will pay a 0.76c/l, excluding VAT, bonus on all 2024 milk supplies.

Carbery increased its base milk price by 1c/l to 48.84c/l, both excluding VAT.