Over 38,000 people across the country are registered as professional users to apply pesticides, according to new figures from the Department of Agriculture.

Under the sustainable use of pesticides directive, only a Department-registered professional user, who has completed a Department-recognised course, can spray plant protection products that are authorised for professional use.

Any farmer or contractor who applies professional use plant protection products, regardless of quantity or method of application, is deemed to be a professional user.

New rules

All such individuals were required to be registered with the Department by 26 November 2015, when the new rules came into force.

A farmer who buys a spray but gets a contractor who is a registered professional user to apply it on their behalf does not need to register.

The largest number of people approved to apply professional use pesticides is in Co Cork at 4,471. This is followed by 3,364 professional users in Co Galway and 2,914 in Co Mayo.

On the other end of the scale, the fewest registered professional users were in Co Louth at 539. This was followed by 579 in Co Leitrim.