In 2022, 59,806 acres of agricultural land were sold nationally at the median price of €8,094/ac, Central Statistics Office (CSO) figures have shown.
The amount of land sold in 2022 was up marginally on 2021 (0.4%). However, it was up by almost one quarter on the 48,250ac sold in 2020.
The median price per acre in 2022 of €8,094/ac was 7.5% higher than in 2021, when it was €7,529/ac.
The national median price of arable land was €13,745/ac, while the national median price for permanent grassland was €7,850/ac.
Dublin and mid-east regions had the highest median prices of €18,395/ac and €12,307/ac respectively.
The lowest median price per acre was €6,039 in the west region.
Over 11,000ac of land was sold in the west of the country in 2022, more than any other region.
Only 338ac were sold in the Dublin region and 5,565ac in the southeast.
Commenting on the release, statistician in the prices division Niall Corkery said: "Purchasers in Dublin and the mid-east (Kildare, Louth, Meath, and Wicklow) regions paid the highest median price per acre of €18,395 and €12,307 respectively.
"The land was most affordable in the west (Galway, Mayo, and Roscommon) region, where the median price was €6,039/ac."
Of the €500,954,653 which was spent in total on land in 2022, the highest proportion of this was spent in the mid-west region.
Counties in this region (Clare, Limerick and Tipperary) spent €84,855,400.
There was €81,860,651 spent in the mid-east and €80,792,405 spent in the southwest in 2022.