The Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU), National Farmers' Union (NFU), NFU Scotland and NFU Cymru are stepping up their campaign against inheritance tax changes with a national display of solidarity on Thursday 19 December called 'big banner day'.
Roadside and gate banners will be displayed across the country to amplify the message that the proposed changes to inheritance tax threaten the future of family farms.
The banners, designed to be highly visible in key political constituencies, aim to keep public attention and build political pressure on the devastating impact these changes would have on farming families and rural communities.
To support the campaign, car stickers will also be available to boost visibility further, allowing supporters to spread awareness wherever they travel and reinforce the call for action among the wider public. These can be collected at UFU group offices.
'Clear message'
UFU president William Irvine said: “With the Christmas holidays approaching and meetings winding down, the UK farming unions have launched 'big banner day' to send a clear message to Labour government; our commitment to overturning the family farm tax remains as strong as ever and the fight to protect our family farms is far from over.
The changes, he added, to agricultural property relief is based on flawed data and DAERA’s in-depth analysis shows that approximately half of NI family farms, accounting for 80% of farmed land, could be affected.
He argued that government needs to sit up and realise what it is on the brink of.
"NI produces enough food to feed over 10 million people, six million of whom are in Britain, and we export local produce to the Republic of Ireland and beyond. The family farm tax threatens to destroy our agri-food industry and food security.
“For our farmers, farming is so much more than a profession. It is the heartbeat of rural life and the backbone of our communities.
"It’s a way of life that connects generations, feeding the nation while protecting our countryside. As it stands, the proposed family farm tax will tear apart this proud legacy, dismantling the family farm structure that defines us.
“We call on everyone who values the importance of family farming to join us in this fight, get involved in the campaign and stand alongside us. We need your help to save our family farms and together, we can make it happen," he said.
Banners have been placed across NI including at the Newry Road roundabout, Banbridge and Greystone Lodge, on the M1, A1, Belfast Road Fermanagh, Enniskillen Mart, Poyntzpass Road and Nutt’s Corner.