An analysis of EU milk prices in January 2018 shows that prices in Ireland were well ahead of both NI and Britain. The southern Irish price was placed fifth in the price league at 35.88p/l. However, that price is perhaps not that representative, given that it is at a time of low milk supply. Significant cuts have been made to prices since then.

The UK paid the 17th highest milk price for EU members during January. The UK price of 30.61p/l includes the NI price of 29.93p/l. As a standalone price, NI would be placed 19th in the EU milk league.

Meanwhile, DAERA statistics show that February milk prices in NI were lower than January, but production is increasing.

Farmgate milk prices in NI averaged 28.75p/l in February, a drop of 1.18p/l on the previous month.


The latest milk price indicator (MPI) from the Ulster Farmers’ Union is down 0.23p to 26.85p/litre. But with improved prices for butter, cheddar and whole milk powders in commodity markets, prices should remain stable in the coming months.

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