A 42.407ac holding of good land is on the market outside Sallins, Co Kildare. The property is at Millicent and is being sold by Jordan Auctioneers. It is going for auction.
The location is approximately 3km north of Sallins and 4km south of Clane. There is nearby access to the M7 motorway at Junction 9A.
Land in the Millicent area is good quality.
The land is in permanent pasture and laid out in five large, well-shaped fields. There are gate entrances on to the land from two separate roads.
The property will be offered in lots:
Lot 1 will be the entire.Lot 2 will be c21.203ac.Lot 3 will be c21.203ac.“This is good land in a great location,” auctioneer Clive Kavanagh said. He is guiding the property at €18,000/ac. The auction takes place on Thursday 22 June in Lawlor’s Hotel, Naas.
A 42.407ac holding of good land is on the market outside Sallins, Co Kildare. The property is at Millicent and is being sold by Jordan Auctioneers. It is going for auction.
The location is approximately 3km north of Sallins and 4km south of Clane. There is nearby access to the M7 motorway at Junction 9A.
Land in the Millicent area is good quality.
The land is in permanent pasture and laid out in five large, well-shaped fields. There are gate entrances on to the land from two separate roads.
The property will be offered in lots:
Lot 1 will be the entire.Lot 2 will be c21.203ac.Lot 3 will be c21.203ac.“This is good land in a great location,” auctioneer Clive Kavanagh said. He is guiding the property at €18,000/ac. The auction takes place on Thursday 22 June in Lawlor’s Hotel, Naas.