Sneem Men’s Shed in Co Kerry is an oasis for men who want to chat away with others from their area while engaging in projects that will benefit the community. Retired geologist Michael Smith is secretary of the shed. Michael is passionate about Sneem and the skills of the shed members.

“There is a pool of older men who have a vast range of skills and the ability to tackle anything,” he says.

The shed was established in March 2014 and is located in the Old Ballroom on the Killarney Road in Sneem.

“A lot of the members are also farmers and they represent the local trades,” Michael says.

“They talk a lot,” he adds. “There is a large collection of skills [among the members], the largest skill of all is talking, of course.”

Ask and we'll make it

The members mainly engage in woodwork and metalwork. Wooden boxes are a shed speciality. They have constructed bird boxes and bat boxes for local residents. “Whatever people have asked us to make, we have built,” says Michael. “It is a great association for local men to make and do things.”

For the Sneem Family Festival, the members built wooden boxes which were sent to local artists to paint. These were then auctioned off at the festival.

Part of the shed space has recently been turned into a digital hub, which will be officially opened in September. Here, people can access the internet and other digital resources.

“The Men’s Shed movement is so important – especially in Ireland. We don’t like to think of the mental health aspect but in the Sneem shed this is always out there in front.”

The members grew their hair and beards to raise €700 for a local day centre for men’s mental health. The shed is open in the evenings every Monday and Thursday at 8pm in winter and 7pm in summer. It usually stays open until around 10.30pm or, as Michael says, “until the tea is made and the talk has ended”.

To join the shed or for further information, contact Michael on 086-8217465, or chair Danny on 087-2064462.

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