We’ve had agri debates, scheme proposals, claims, and counter claims and finally, almost two months after the election result, details and people are emerging on the Programme for Government and who will drive it.

On the face of it, it seems that those representing rural Ireland are stronger and more visible compared to last time around. Does it matter? Will EU policy in the main drive change at farm level? The reality is, both are important.

We need our EU parliamentarians fighting for serious policy change that ensures we are not left behind the rest of the world when it comes to new science, such as genome editing, which can improve sustainability at less or no cost.

We need our elected TDs to understand the impact that policy changes can have in an Irish scenario.

They control the devolved power that Brussels suggests they want individual European countries to have.

Over the coming weeks, we’ll set out what’s in the Programme for Government from a farming perspective, and talk to the new political leaders on what they want to prioritise.