The What are you eating? series currently running on RTÉ One is providing great new angles on food journalism. It’s essential viewing for anyone who cares about what goes into their body. Particularly unsettling in the first episode (which focused on processed pig meat) was when show presenter Philip Boucher Hayes met colorectal surgeon Des Winter, who let him witness a drastic surgical procedure.

The surgeon’s words were grim: “I’m afraid the aim of this surgery is to actually take out the colon, because there are no options left. It’s rather depressing I find, as a surgeon, doing this type of surgery. If I had my way I would spend my day reconstructing people, not deconstructing them.”

Next week’s episode concentrates on carbs, namely bread and spuds. Apparently 71% of us eat sliced pan weekly, but 58% of have tried to cut down on our intake.

Phillip compares the industrial pan with homemade and sourdough rivals and examines why so many people believe they’re gluten intolerant. He also turns his attention towards the potato, as sales of this particular carb are dropping sharply among the under-45 demographic.