
Diet: Pugs require being fed between 114g and 150g of dry food twice daily depending on size and age

Activity: Pugs should be brought on a daily walk to satisfy their energetic personality. Be careful that they don’t over exercise though and watch out for heavy breathing as this can have a negative effect on a pug.

Grooming: Pugs are easy to groom because of their short, smooth coat. The creases on a pug’s face must also be cleaned regularly. Pugs shed hair seasonally.

Top tip: Pugs are intelligent and require some mental exercise. This will avoid boredom for the dog.

Yorkshire terrier

Diet: Again, this breed needs to be fed dry food twice a day. In terms of quantity, Yorkshire terriers must be fed 124g to 163g depending on their size and age.

Activity: Typically, playing with the dog during the day should take care of most of this breed’s exercise needs, but a walk each day is recommended. If they are extra hyper indoors, it may be a sign that they require extra outdoor exercise.

Grooming: A Yorkshire terrier’s hair grows fast and is susceptible to matting, so it is best to keep its hair maintained by cutting and grooming regularly.

Top tip: If you do not want to groom or brush the dog’s hair regularly, it may be advisable to give your Yorkshire Terrier a haircut. This will prevent matting and ensure a happy, healthy dog.

Border collie

Diet: 350g of dry food daily.

Activity: This breed is very energetic and requires lots of exercise. A daily walk is crucial, or using them daily as a sheepdog will suffice.

Grooming: A border collie’s coat is prone to matting, so brush regularly. If matting develops, remove by carefully using a mat rake.

Top tip: Ensure a border collie has a well-balanced diet. This will ensure it is easily trained and alert.


Diet: A boxer should be fed dry food twice daily. Between 300g to 400g should be sufficient, but this is dependent on size and age.

Activity: Boxers are very active dogs and require lots of exercise – be that long walks or jogs.

Grooming: Boxers have short, smooth hair and in some cases keep themselves clean. However they should be groomed every three months.

Top tip: Be wary that boxers can sometimes snore! Also, they do not react well to extreme temperatures.

Labrador retriever

Diet: This breed tends to eat a lot. Depending on age and size, they can consume anything between 325g and 525g of dry food.

Activity: Labradors require a lot of exercise so a daily walk or jog is essential. A summer swim is also a possibility as this breed are great swimmers.

Grooming: Labradors have short hair but it sheds frequently. So, brush twice a week to reduce shedding hair. You should groom this dog twice a year to ensure its eyes, ears and skin are in good health.

Top tip: Don’t overfeed this breed. It has a big appetite and will put on weight easily.