The study presented at the ASA's annual conference in the Lyrath Hotel, Kilkenny, also shows that 36% would change sectors for a better salary. The ASA, which represents agricultural science graduates, conducted the survey among its own members.

ASA president Neil Keane said: “It is imperative that the industry nurtures and supports the strong pipeline of talent coming from our universities to avoid losing our best talent to another sector.”

The results also showed that only 38% of those in paid employment were offered formal mentoring within their organisation.

Keane said it was “heartening” that 90%t would encourage graduates to pursue a career in the Irish agrifood industry.

One in five paid employees surveyed reported receiving a promotion in the last 12 months, and four in five received a pay rise.

Brexit was a major concern, with 82% saying they were worried of its effect on their business in the future.

Those who took part in the survey included paid employees, self-employed, those seeking employment, retirees and students.

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