The store lamb trade is starting to kick off now and mart managers are reporting a significant increase in the number of store buyers attending sales.

Short-keep store lambs weighing 40kg to 43kg are selling for €86/head to €97/head, or €46 to €54 over the weight. Longer-keep lambs weighing 33kg to 36kg are selling for €78/head to €85/head, or €42 to €49 over.

Strong grass growth this month has meant lowly stocked farms are in a grass surplus situation and these farmers are opting to buy store lambs in an effort to utilise the extra grass grown.

Mart managers say a strong store trade will help keep a floor on prices and counteract falling factory prices.

Mart managers say a strong store trade will help keep a floor on prices and counteract falling factory prices.

The number of store lambs coming out to sales is variable.

Mart managers in the southeast are reporting large numbers of stores coming out, while in the northwest, numbers are a little tighter.

Factory lambs weighing 44kg to 48kg are selling from €98/head to €105/head, or €54 to €57 over.

Prices are back a further €3 to €4 compared with the week previous, but managers say there is still plenty of factory agent activity.

Butcher lambs weighing 50kg + are moving at €106/head to €112/head, or up to €62 over.

Cull ewes remain steady and some managers report a good lively trade, with strong buying activity from wholesalers and factory agents.

Medium-sized fleshed ewes are trading at €105/head to €115/head and larger-framed ewes are selling as high as €120/head.

Lowland-bred feeding ewes are moving at €60 to €90/head. Cross-bred ewes are selling from €35 to €60/head.

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