There is a sense of relief that the EU Commission will likely

Now discussions have resumed with Mercosur and the EU was too quick to contemplate throwing beef tariff rate quotas (TRQs) into the first offer. Outcry from farm organisations and robust discussion in the Trade Policy Committee have brought perspective to the issue and the commissioners got the message.

No room for complacency

The lobbyists and campaigners can congratulate themselves briefly on a short intensive campaign well fought with a quick and ideal result. However, there is no room for complacency. While beef and other sensitive agricultural products may be left out of the initial EU offer, they won’t be off the agenda long-term. It is the big issue for Mercosur countries given dominance in the trade balance with the EU at present. The first round of negotiations is scheduled for September and we can expect the exchange of further offers and adjustments if the talks progress after 17 years of stopping and starting.

A beef offer will come back as an issue even if it is gone for now. It is a case of when, not if, and it is difficult to envisage sufficient change in the EU beef market to accommodate more beef anytime in the near to medium-term future.

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Full coverage: Mercosur