There is a seven-month retention period with a minimum stocking rate of 0.15LU/ha to meet the criteria for the ANC payment.

If you purchase stock in May, you will need to hold on to them for seven months. The minimum stocking rate for those seven months will need to be in the region of 0.3LU/ha to meet the minimum stocking rate of 0.15LU/ha over the calendar year.

An animal over six months of age and below two years of age is counted as 0.6 LU and an animal over two years old is counted as 1 LU. For example, if you have 15ha and you purchase cattle in May and keep them until 1 January 2018, you will need to purchase eight weanlings/store cattle or five animals over two years old to meet the criteria. If you have stock for the full 12 months of 2017, then the average stocking rate for the year needs to be 0.15 LU/ha. Contact your agricultural adviser if in doubt.

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