Last Friday’s dairy sale at New Ross Mart saw an entry of 93 cows and heifers on offer. Mart manager Richard Kirwan said that there has been a sharp increase in demand for dairy cows in the past few months. He said that in terms of prices on a per-head basis, they were up €200 on the same show and sale last year.

In terms of demand, farmers were very active for nice calved heifers and cows, with in-calf types not being met with quite as strong a demand. In terms of prices, the majority of good-quality calved heifers and cows sold from €1,300 to a top of €1,900. Richard said that farmers were not looking solely at figures, but at shape and quality.

Those showing milk sold mainly from €1,400 to €1,500. A nice batch of British Friesian types with little to no figures but from a very good herd averaged at about €1,500 each also.

In terms of demand, Richard said that farmers were present from all across the country, with some northern demand for particular types of stock. There were a few maiden heifers on offer also. They were around 310kg and sold for around €610/head. Richard said that as the sales progress, demand will grow for maiden heifers.

Commission rates are €20 to the buyer and seller for Frieisan cows and €10 to the buyer and seller for maiden heifers.