A growth of 56kg DM/ha/day was recorded over the past week, ground has become very dry and growth is suffering especially on freshly grazed paddocks. The rain over the past few days has had little effect on grass growth, nitrogen will be spread today, and this along with the rain that is forecast over the weekend should improve growth greatly.

Second cut silage will be harvested next week. Crops are not exceptional due to the dry summer but it needs to be cut to get this ground back into the grazing platform for the autumn.


Over 6/ha of ground is earmarked for reseeding. This will be sprayed off next week and will be ploughed and sown by mid-August.

The stock bulls were taken away from the cows two weeks ago and there seems to be very little activity among the cows. Hopefully this will transpire into a good in-calf rate when the herd is scanned in mid-August.

All cattle look to be performing well as a result of the good weather, they will be weighed next week to monitor their performance.