As part of the project, we are establishing eight discussion groups across the ANM trading area. These groups will comprise of eight to 12 members and will meet four times through the year for each of the three years of the project. A core activity of the groups will be the baseline monitoring of livestock data and business performance.

Groups will also be given access to the information from the focus farms and the plan is for each group to visit at least one of the focus farms over the course of the programme.

It is often said that farmers learn from farmers and the intention is that we make best use of the accumulated knowledge in each group to help the group progress. Groups will be practical and the members will both set the action plan for the group over the three years and will guide the focus topic for each meeting.

Currently, the groups in Caithness, the Cairngorms and in Angus have had their first meetings. However, there are still spaces at each group for those interested in joining.

The remaining five groups will be based from Thainstone and initial meetings will be held through the spring and summer this year. To express interest in being a member of a focus group, please get in touch with the advisers via the details below.



01467 623838