We know from statistics many accidents on farms happen when there are strangers around the yard or if it is a very busy time of the year.

My personal experience in farm dangers revolves around such a time when I was 16 and we were building a shed and the builders were on a day off. The scaffolding had been up for a number of weeks so in our youthful exuberance we were comfortable swinging from the lower bars and sitting on the timber planks.

To get a close up inspection of the roof vents and of course also to see the calves out through the top of the shed two of us clambered up the scaffolding.

As I was sitting on one of the timber planks 20 foot up in the air, my friend levered off the steel upright and as quick as a flash before I knew what was happening I was hurtling head first to the ground. Unfortunately, the builders had decided to leave a tie bar off between two uprights so when my friend had pulled on one upright to lever himself up on the timber plank, the timber had nowhere to rest and all the planks tumbled to the floor.

I landed on the gravel floor face first but lucky for me, my injuries were limited to damaged pride, a bloody nose, and grazed elbows.

A night in A&E under observation following concussion was enough to set me up for another adventure, but that’s another story. Take special care when there is construction happening on farm and even big boys can get hurt.