Where animals will be housed on straw for a large part of the winter, it is useful to carry out a budget to see if sufficient straw is available. Table 1 details guideline volumes required to absorb all urine. This can vary depending on the type of diet fed, with high-fibre diets requiring less straw bedding. Take note also that the weight of bales can vary greatly depending on how well they are packed, with a higher moisture content in some bales also likely to add weight to bales saved in difficult weather in recent weeks.

In general, a 4 x 4 round bale of straw will weigh about 140kg to 150kg, but this can vary from 130kg to 160kg and up to 180kg in bales packed very tight. Eight x 4 x 4 bales weigh about 540kg to 580kg, but, again, this can vary between 480kg and 600kg, while 8x4x3 bales weigh in general from 360kg to 380kg. Small square bales weigh about 12kg to 14kg. It is worth weighing a random sample where a scales is available to get a more accurate assessment of supplies.

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Focus on winter indoor management