A review of average calf prices between mid-February and the end of June last year shows that Friesian bull calf prices performed slightly better than in spring 2015. The data on over 25,500 Friesian bull calves sold through marts in that period signifies that prices averaged at €118/head.

Through February and March, prices of Friesian bulls averaged at approximately €97/head, but strengthened in April and May as numbers on offer reduced and as stronger calves came to the fore. In the Feb/March period, Friesian bull calves ran about €12/head behind the price paid in the same period in 2015.

The distinctive trend as spring went on was that demand was best for three-week-old calves and a premium price was paid for these. While prices average at €118 for the first half of the year, shipper calves bought at marts and directly from farms saw prices range mainly from €70 to €90/head.

Farmer buyers focused mainly on better-quality calves. Of the 62,000 calf sales recorded through marts, about 0.5% were recorded as Jersey bulls and the price averaged at €35/head for these.

Average calf prices back €25/head

Analysis of prices shows that calves, in general, were back by about €25/head in 2016 compared with 2015. Stronger supply of Hereford and Angus calves resulted in the largest price drops of over €40/head in some cases.

The average Angus bull sold for €218/head in the first half of 2016, while heifers sold for just under €200/head.

Hereford bulls averaged €272/head, while heifers averaged €243/head. Continental-bred calves saw prices reduce by €25 for Limousins, with a drop of up to €35/head for Blues.

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