Rising beef prices for male cattle have improved Ireland’s position in EU tables since the start of this year.

At €3.77/kg for R3 heavy bullocks, the Irish price in that category jumped ahead of those seen in Portugal and Spain last month to achieve the eighth rank in the EU. The same price for R3 steers placed Ireland in sixth position – the same as in February, and one slot ahead of January.

For young bulls, Ireland is now 12th in the European league. While the average EU price for R3 young bulls fell by 3c/kg in March, it increased by 5c/kg in Ireland.

The Irish price for R3 heifers has remained the seventh highest in the EU since the start of the year, but at €3.89/kg last month, it was only 1c/kg behind Spain’s. While the EU average is stagnating, Irish heifer prices increased by 5c/kg last month.

Irish cow prices remain high by European standards, at €3.08/kg for O3 graders, second only to Sweden and France.

The Ireland/UK differential was most pronounced for steers, at 6c/kg.

Sweden remains the EU champion in all categories, with prices ranging from €4.29/kg for O3 cows to €4.88/kg for R3 steers.

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Beef prices showing improvement again as supplies tighten