Lightweight bullocks were reported to have sold from £2.10/kg to £2.62/kg, which was paid for a 374kg top-quality Charolais which made £980. Medium-weight bullocks sold from £2.05/kg to £2.57/kg, which was paid for a 420kg Limousin which sold at £1,080.

Heavy bullocks sold from £1.90/kg to £2.27/kg. Heifers sold to £2.27/kg, which was paid for a 510kg Charolais. The top price per head on the day was £1,370 for a 700kg Charolais. Other heavy heifers sold from £1,095 to £1,175.

The weanling ring saw heifers sell from £650 to £915 for a 374kg Charolais. Bull weanlings sold mainly from £650 to £970/head, while light bullocks made from £720 to £1,035.

A selection of calves sold from £120 for a Friesian bull to £350 for a Charolais bull. Suckler cows sold from £1,010 to £1,960, with the highest price paid for a Charolais cow with a heifer calf at foot.

Other cows with calves at foot sold from £1,400 upwards. Fat cows were a steady trade once again and prices ranged mainly from £990 for 514kg to £1,780 for a 970kg Charolais.

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Cattle prices: larger numbers and weaker demand hits mart trade