Mart sales are winding down for the year, with the majority closed over the Christmas period.

Prices are ending on a high in the main, despite some slight reductions since last week.

The feeling out there is that the new year looks promising for lamb prices.

Currently, lamb prices are strong. The rising market trend seen in early December has slowed down, but prices in the main are holding since the recent gains made.

In some sales, prices are back €2 to €3/head compared with previous weeks, but this is not widespread.

Lambs over 50kg are making €111 to €115/head, or up to €65 with the weight. Prices of €118/head are more difficult to come by.

Lambs weighing 45kg to 49kg are selling for €100 to €110/head.

Forward store lambs weighing 42kg to 44kg are selling for €95 to €100/head.

Demand for stores was variable, with some sales seeing prices over €100/head for lambs.

Lighter lambs weighing 35kg to 37kg are making €80 to €85/head in the main, with some making up to €89/head where demand was particularly sharp.

Lambs weighing 30kg to 34kg are selling for €70 to €75/head.


The trade for ewes remains steady. Agents are willing to pay top dollar for large-framed fleshed ewes. Top prices for ewes hit €126/head this week.

Most fleshed ewes sold from €100 to €115/head. Ewes lacking flesh and in need of more feeding sold back at €70 to €85/head. Very light-framed ewes are making €40 to €50/head.

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