There was a steady mart trade once again for almost all types of cattle this week.

There are some sales where the quality on offer has taken a dip, and this has affected average prices.

Mart managers are more optimistic about the spring trade given the change in positivity around the mart rings in recent weeks.

The cull cow trade continues to hold firm, with prices holding steady week on week

While over-aged cattle are a slightly better trade than they were a month ago, they are still being met with lower demand than in-spec stock, but not to the same extent as was the case a few weeks ago.

The cull cow trade continues to hold firm, with prices holding steady week on week. While the number on offer has increased in recent weeks, overall Friesian cull cow numbers are still running well behind the same week last year.

In terms of prices, the majority of those on offer are ranging from €0.90/kg to €1.10/kg, with some fleshed cows making more than this.


The bullock trade has held quite steady in the past week, although some sales did see a deterioration in the quality on offer. Bullocks over 600kg are still running behind last year’s levels to the tune of 8c/kg or €48/head.

However, those from 400kg to 600kg are still selling for higher prices than the same sale last year. Bullocks from 500kg to 600kg are selling mainly from €1.90/kg to €1.95/kg, with U grade continentals selling for over €2.20/kg.

Stores from 400kg to 500kg are a stronger trade than heavier types, running at 5c/kg or €20 to €25/head above the same time last year.


The heifer trade is slightly stronger than the equivalent bullock trade, with average price running 5-10c/kg above the equivalent bullock price.

Heifers over 600kg are still a stronger trade than bullocks, but the numbers on offer are relatively low.

Heifers from 500kg to 600kg are selling mainly from €1.90/kg to €2.10/kg, with U grades making over €2.20/kg.

Heifers from 400kg to 500kg are selling mainly from €2.00/kg to €2.10/kg, with U grades making over €2.30/kg, or €1,040/head for 450kg. Angus heifers are selling from €1.80/kg to €1.90/kg.


The weanling trade is strong and steady. Bulls over 400kg remain a difficult tradem with prices averaging around €2.00/kg. Those from 300kg to 400kg have been met with solid demand as numbers drop.

The average 350kg bull is making €2.20/kg, or €770/head. Top-quality types are selling from €2.50/kg to €2.60/kg or from €870 to €910/head, which is on par with last year.

Weanling heifers are selling at similar prices to bulls, with light heifers selling for 20c/kg more than bulls because of there being less dairy influence in heifers.