The Mableview in-calf heifer sale took place in Elphin on Friday night, with prices reaching a ceiling of €4,350. Topping the sale was a Belgian Blue-sired two-year-old heifer weighing 675kg, selling for €6.44/kg.

Next best was a 705kg two-and-a-half-year-old Limousin heifer which sold for €3,600 (€5.11/kg).

Overall the sale witnessed a 100% clearance, with heifers averaging an impressive €3.60/kg.

Lot 46 weighed 765kg and sold for €3,500. \ Tricia Kennedy

Lot 3 weighed 705kg and sold for €3,600. \ Tricia Kennedy

Lot 37 weighed 715kg and sold for €2,450. \ Tricia Kennedy

Lot 15 weighed 750kg and sold for €3,200. \ Tricia Kennedy

Lot 7 weighed 760kg and sold for €2,500. \ Tricia Kennedy

Lot 24 weighed 820kg and sold for €3,550. \ Tricia Kennedy

Lot 23 weighed 820kg and sold for €2,750. \ Tricia Kennedy

Lot 16 weighed 710kg and sold for €2,300. \ Tricia Kennedy

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‘It’s a massive loss’ - six cattle stolen in Mayo

In pictures: almost full clearance in Carrigallen

In pictures: Tullamore Farm heifer sale preview - lots 800-814