Every person on the island of Ireland, along with millions of others around the world, rely on our farmers and their produce.

We want you to tell us about the most challenging or rewarding experience you've had while working in agriculture this year.

What has changed and what remained the same? What do you hope to see happen during 2021?

‘Many early mornings and late nights’

Beef and sheep farmer James McCaffrey, Aughnasheelin, Co Leitrim

“This year has been tough on everyone, but we’ve had to battle through it and get on with the task at hand.

“Farmers have adapted to new technology, buying and selling cattle online, keeping the wheel turning in the beef sector.

“With many early mornings and late nights we’ve managed to keep the dinner on the plate. Back in March our lives were changed just like the flick of a switch.

“We have learned to get used to this new way of working but at the same time we hope for a bright and better 2021.”

‘Feeding our own and many others beyond our shores’

Dairy farmer Tommy Lanigan, Carrick on Suir, Co Tipperary

“Good weather has taken a lot of stress out of the year, with just the right amount of rain in the early months as we needed it.

“With all the disruptions across the sector, I was glad to see the lorry in the yard consistently to collect the milk.

“It’s a testament to the success of this country how we can provide food for not only our own people but millions of others around the world.

“Britain is not self-sufficient when it comes to a lot of products, so a Brexit deal is in their best interest too. We don’t want to see these markets close and lose our nearest customers.

“In 2021 we will continue to feed our own people and the many others beyond our shores.”