Grain production looks set to reach record highs for wheat and corn, two major commodities which will affect Irish prices.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report on 12 May, forecasting production and consumption figures for the coming season.

Global wheat production is forecast to reach a record 789 million tonnes (Mt) in 2021/2022.


Production is expected to increase in Argentina, the EU, the UK, Morocco, Ukraine and the US.

The report expects larger supplies, higher consumption, increased trade and slightly higher stocks for wheat.

Russian production is expected to be similar to last year’s record at 85Mt.

Global wheat supplies are projected to increase by 8.1Mt to 1,083.7Mt.

Consumption projections were increased in the report by 7.8Mt to 788.7Mt.

Coarse grains

The outlook for coarse grain production in the report, which includes corn and barley, in the 2021/2022 season is for record production and use, as well as larger ending stocks.

Global corn production is expected to be at a record high.

The biggest increases in corn production are expected to come from the US, Brazil, China, Ukraine and Argentina.

Corn use across the globe is expected to increase by 3%.

Corn imports are expected to increase in the EU, Turkey, Iran, Japan and Mexico. Total coarse grain imports are also expected to increase for China.


Oilseed rape is one commodity which Irish farmers are looking at closely at present.

This month’s report forecasts an increase of 3% in global oilseed supplies, as more land area goes into oilseeds on the back of higher prices and as yields of sunflowers are expected to recover.

The Brazilian soya bean crop is forecast at a record 144Mt, while Argentina’s crop is expected to increase by 5Mt to 52Mt.