A new hedge was planted on Tullamore Farm earlier this month. Approximately 35m was planted along a boundary with a neighbouring farm.

Before planting, farm manager Shaun Diver took advantage of a digger doing some work on the farm to dig the area to be planted to speed the job along and give the hedge the best start.

The video below has all the details.

Only native Irish-grown plants were planted in the hedgerow.

On average, the plants for the hedge cost about €4.85/m and other costs included 35m of silage plastic and about 5m of drainage pipe used as tree covers, which can be recycled from the farm.

The hedgerow was planted using the guidance provided by Teagasc’s Catherine Keena at the first of our Footprint Farmers’ Programme training days.

Two rows of trees were planted, with 1ft between all the trees.

The trees were clipped to about 3in and silage plastic was used to cover the area around the hedgerow and prevent weeds from competing with the hedgerow.

Hedgerows can continue to be planted right up to St Patrick’s Day.