Well-known Meath grower Martin Hoste was recently awarded silver in the ADAS-driven best field yield award for 2014. This award is part of the YEN (Yield Enhancement Network) project which aims to identify and measure the potential versus the delivered yield from farm fields around these islands.

Martin received two awards – a silver for having the second highest field yield at 13.92 t/ha (5.63 t/ac) and a bronze for achieving the third-best percentage of estimated potential yield from the same field at 69%.

The field of Dunmore winter wheat was a full field yield (6.1ha) sown in fresh ground. It came out of old permanent pasture three years ago and was sown to oats and then beans before the winter wheat. Martin’s entry was done in association with Syngenta.

The winning crop in both of these categories was produced by Lincolnshire grower Tim Lamyman. Tim produced a yield of 14.5 t/ha (5.87 t/ac) and it was estimated that the crop produced 76% of the potential yield from that field.